One of the most exciting aspects of university life is the opportunity to build lifelong friendships. Living in student accommodation can be a fantastic way to meet new people, share experiences and create unforgettable memories. However, making new friends can feel a little daunting, especially if you’re not naturally outgoing. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

At Collegiate UK, we have put together some top tips for making friends while living in student accommodation.

Break the Ice

Initial small talk might feel a little awkward, but it’s the first step toward making friends. When you first move into your university accommodation, make sure to introduce yourself to your flat mates and ask them what course they’re studying, where they’re from and when they moved in. Off the bat, you may be able to find some common ground and begin building a connection. At Collegiate UK, we host several student social events to help give our residents plenty of opportunities to meet people and socialise. That way, settling in here at university becomes a little bit easier.

Make Plans

The best thing about living in student accommodation is that you are all in the same boat, away from home and here to study. This makes living in shared accommodation the perfect opportunity to ask if someone wants to join in on a study session or cook dinner together. What’s more, throughout university, there are many events to go to, whether it’s clubbing, sports team tryouts, or vintage kilo stall; so, look at what’s on and ask your flat mate to go there with you.

Hang Out in the Common Areas

It can be tempting to stay in your room, especially if you’re introverted, but common areas are great for some spontaneous socialising. Collegiate UK’s accommodation is designed with exactly this in mind, our purpose-built accommodation has lots of facilities such as student lounges, study spaces and private gyms that you can head on down to and hang out in. You never know when a casual chat can turn into a lasting friendship.

Be Open-Minded

University is a melting pot of culture and it’s a great way to meet people you wouldn’t have otherwise met. Whether it’s reaching out to new people in your class, participating in extra-curricular activities, joining societies or through your accommodation, there are plenty of opportunities to meet lots of different people. So, being open to different backgrounds, cultures and perspectives will not only enrich your university life, but it will also help you make friends and grow as a person.

Join a Society

Joining a society is one of the best ways to find people with a shared interest. Whether it’s a sports club, chess or Harry Potter society, there are lots of opportunities available to meet like-minded people and try out new things too. Typically, on your first or second week of university, there will be a societies fair held at the student union where you can go and explore the different societies out there. If you have missed this, don’t worry! You can always find a list of the societies available on your university’s website.

University Life Made Easier with Collegiate UK

At Collegiate UK, we understand the importance of building a sense of community and making the most of your university experience. That’s why we offer a year-round calendar of social events designed to bring our residents together and create memories for life. With incredible facilities such as student lounges, private cinemas, and in-house fitness suites, bringing students together has never been easier. The resident experience is at the heart of everything we do, ensuring that your time with us is not just about accommodation but about making the most of your university journey.

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