Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with Exciting Prizes!

As the Chinese New Year approaches, Collegiate UK invites you to participate in our social media competition and immerse yourself in the festive spirit. We’ve put together some amazing prizes to make your New Year celebrations truly spectacular!

How to enter?

First Prize – Win £100 Amazon Gift Card:

📌 Follow @Collegiate英国学⽣公寓 on RED.

📸 Share your Chinese New Year post on RED with your festive spirit & tag @Collegiate英国学⽣公寓 to ensure accurate tracking of your participation.

🏆 The Top 3 Most Creative entries will win a £100 Amazon Gift Card each.

JOIN NOW – Follow us on RED

Second Prize – Win £20 Amazon Gift Card:

📌 Follow @Collegiate英国学⽣公寓 on RED.

💬 Like, comment, and leave your New Year wishes on our Chinese New Year blessings post.

🎁 We will randomly select 10 lucky participants from the comments section, each receiving a £20 Amazon Voucher.

JOIN NOW – Follow us on RED

Announcement of Winners:

The winners will be announced on our social media channels on February 15 2024, and lucky individuals will be notified through private messages.

By entering, you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions of this competition.

Wishing you a Happy Year of the Dragon🐉, filled with joy and celebration!