As you will have no doubt learnt during your academic career to date, the internet cannot write your essays or do your coursework. Go down this road and you could well find yourself in a spot of bother when you get your grades and fall foul of plagiarism or a lack of originality.

What the web can do, however, is help you to streamline and enhance your studies. The latest feature from the student news centre here at Collegiate focuses on our favourite study websites. These aren’t packed with useless jargon, but instead, give you the tools you need to fulfil your potential whilst studying for your degree.

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What Are The Best Study Websites?

The best way to approach study blogs and websites is to see them as a toolbox, rather than a silver bullet to help you with your studies. However, the following sites will allow you to save some time with certain aspects of your studies.


This site not only has a motivating name but is one of our favourites here at Collegiate as it helps you map out all of your lecture notes into a salient story. This means that you can use them far more effectively when you come to writing your work up.

You can easily construct mind maps using this site, and other features such as flashcards, quizzes, and a study planner and also includes a great tool that allows you to collaborate with other members of your group. You can find out more by going directly to the GoConqr website.


We have all whiled away hours on Reddit, usually when we should have been doing something more constructive, but UReddit is a far different proposition and could well help you with some of the more technical aspects of your studies.

In stark contrast to the millions of articles on everything from skateboarding kittens to Donald Trump’s favourite golf courses, this site lists a range of online training courses for you to boost your knowledge.

If you are studying a practical course that demands you learn a coding language or perhaps a scientific principle, then this great study blog could help you to bolster what you are already learning in your lectures and seminars.


This one is an absolute must for anyone who hates citations and referencing when putting their essays together. This is something that can often lose you marks if not done correctly but EasyBib allows you to save a great deal of time and stress by allowing you to just scan the barcode of the book or resource you are referencing.

You can then just e-mail or export the reference wherever you need it and add it seamlessly into your essay.


Evernote is pretty readily available and hardly a new website or application, but due to its versatility, it had to make it into our feature at some point. Evernote allows you to collate all of your useful information into one place and also plays very nicely with the rest of your operating system.

The fact you can also install the app onto your smartphones and tablets, it means you can retrieve and add to your notes wherever you may be around campus. You can do pretty much anything with Evernote so we strongly recommend making it part of your university toolkit as soon as possible.

Marinara Timer

This ingenious little study blog, which has actually turned into somewhat of a global study site sensation, was inspired by the perfect way to make pasta for marinara sauce!

As scientists told us some time ago, the best way to study and learn effectively is to do so in 25-minute bursts, before taking a break and recharging the batteries and starting again. The Marinara Timer allows you to plan your own study regime using this concept.

The website will let you know exactly when you should be reading, writing or taking a well-earned break depending on the input you provide. This could well be a saviour come the end of the academic year and the intense periods of study begin.

We hope you find these sites as useful as we have over the years, be sure to come back to the Collegiate blog soon to find more academic and educational guides from our experts!

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