Part time work alongside your studies
The life of a student can be challenging. Not only do you have to adapt to a new style of life, learn how to cook, clean and live independently and make new friends – but fitting in coursework, reading and seminar prep on top of that can cause many students stress. Something that makes this worse is the worry that you don’t have enough money to support yourself, despite student loans and budget plans.
For students that are struggling to keep up funds-wise, a part time job is a great way to earn a little bit more cash, as well as developing some useful key skills for your future career. So, what are the best part time jobs for students? Collegiate investigates…
Bar, pub, shop or restaurant work
Any student city is likely to have a large number of shops, bars, pubs and restaurants, creating hundreds of part time jobs for students. If you have desirable skills, such as retail or hospitality experience, an ability to whip up a cocktail or pour a pint, and a friendly, outgoing personality, a role as a shop assistant, bartender or waiter will likely suit you; although you don’t necessarily have to have previous experience. This type of part time job is a boost for your confidence and social life and you’ll quickly build up a network of friends. However, be aware that bar work often involves night shifts. Ask your manager to consider this when making the rota – you don’t want to start missing morning lectures.
Being a personal tutor
If you want to share your gift of knowledge, you may be interested in being a personal tutor; either for fellow students, or for children living in your university city. If you want to take up tutoring, you’ll need to be patient and good at explaining things, as well as being proactive enough to make lesson plans and set homework tasks. You will also need to be dedicated and reliable – parents won’t be impressed if you miss tutoring sessions, or their child doesn’t seem to improve. You can advertise as a personal tutor on Facebook, internet forums, or through your university- once you have your first student, word-of-mouth and recommendations will help you get more clients.
University campus jobs
If you love your university, why not give something back by taking on a part-time job at your student union? Most unions have plenty of different jobs, such as bar, café and restaurant work, cleaning, manning the uni help desk and answering phones, and showing prospective students around student accommodation or helping on move-in/out day. Student unions can be fantastic places to work, giving you a real sense of belonging to a community and helping you make some strong connections throughout your time at university.
Temporary work
Another type of part time work for students, taking on agency work might be a good option for you. Agency work involves signing up with a temping company, who book and send out temporary workers for a variety of jobs, including hospitality, bar work, catering, cleaning and more. If you think you would enjoy a more varied part time job, have a look online for temping agencies in your university city. You can also gain key transferable skills from this type of work, as well as demonstrating to future employers that you can be flexible and multi-talented. This, combined with budgeting and making the most of student discounts, will give you more cash in no time.
As much as a part time job and extra money might seem an attractive prospect, students should take care to ensure that any work they take on alongside their studies stays part time. The most important thing is getting a degree, and if you’re working long hours or taking on night shifts, you’ll likely be too tired to study properly and it may affect your academic performance.
If you find you’re struggling with your part time job, or you’re worried about your finances, speak to your family, your personal tutor, or student services.