Eating well at university should definitely be one of your biggest considerations when leaving home for the first time. But, with everything else to prepare, the thought of making your own meals can seem a bit daunting.
So, we are here to give you some ideas. The Collegiate team has been working alongside the nation’s students for years. In that time we have accumulated a great deal of knowledge when it comes to finding the best student recipes. So, whether you are an experienced cook or a hesitant novice there is a vast range of easy, healthy recipes from around the world just waiting for you to discover.
With this in mind, we have seen fit to profile some of the best recipe websites. The following are all jam packed with quick, easy and healthy student meals which you can impress you housemates with.
BBC Good Food
It’s hardly surprising that the BBC have made their way into our guide. The BBC invest a lot of money into their website, not to mention the fact that they create some of the very best content and journalese you can find anywhere in the country.
The BBC Good Food site has a section dedicated to student dishes, which all incorporate the healthy ingredients and easy cooking methods which we have already mentioned. You can follow their step by step guides, and ensure you can prepare those healthy dishes with ease.
Good Housekeeping
You may well remember seeing copies of this well-established magazine lying around at home as a kid, or maybe even more recently than that. Well, Good Housekeeping also have a dedicated section of their website specifically designed for all the best quick recipes you need to impress your mates, guaranteeing you are able to get all the nutrition and sustenance you need to stay fit and healthy at university.
From tasty pasta bakes, to soup recipes that will keep you warm during the winter months, we really can’t recommend this site enough. There are well over 90 dishes on here to keep you fed and watered.
Jamie Oliver
Let’s be honest, no easy recipe guide would be complete without at least a quick mention of the nation sweetheart Jamie Oliver, would it? Jamie has been delighting thrifty cooks across the country for decades now with his eclectic mix of banquets, feasts, and 15-minute meals.
The Jamie Oliver website has been building up quite a reputation over the years due to the quality of its content, and the student friendly meal section is certainly no exception to that.
Similar to Good Housekeeping’s selection, there is everything on this site from soups, tortillas, curries and even stews to keep you going when the weather drops. Of course, all of the student recipes on this site have that added Jamie Oliver twist of flavour. So his food may be more suitable if you want to get a bit adventurous and experiment in the kitchen.
To be honest, all three of these sites are outstanding when it comes to finding easy to make, wholesome dishes that are perfect for your time at university. So we recommend having a good look through them all. Remember, you can always follow these guys on social media so you can stay on top of any new additions to their selections.
Staying Healthy at University
Remember that eating well at university has a myriad of advantages, as we have covered many times, including supporting cognitive function during intense periods of study, and feeling good. But keeping processed foods and E-numbers to a minimum is probably more important (and difficult) at university than it is at any other time in your life.
Indeed, we understand that you may struggle to find the time to cook. So, on those really frustrating days when you just can’t seem to get round to it, why not supplement some of the great healthy recipes with a daily smoothie or some vitamin tablets? Or take a look at our own quick healthy snack and recipe ideas here?
Eating healthily will ensure you keep yourself on top of your game and improve your chances of fulfilling your potential during your degree course.
Collegiate Help & Advice
We hope you have enjoyed the Collegiate guide to the best student recipe sites. This is just one of a series of features we will be publishing this summer, so be sure to take a good look around the rest of our guides to find out how else we can help you make the very most out of your time at university.
If you are reading this you may just be just starting university, so why not have a look through our luxury student accommodation, or contact us for more information?